What is Tantra?

I follow the Left- Hand, Neo- Tantric path in my personal & professional life. This means, I do not devote myself to the classical Tantric religion, but I do devote myself to self- realisation by using ancient, experiential and transformative tools, honouring the body as holy & whole, liberating my kundalini energy, cleansing my karma, freeing myself from societal conditioning, worshipping the Goddess, using ritual for power & healing, receiving pleasure in the physical and sensual delights & seeing the divine in everything. I also embrace my shadow and do the work to liberate it, so that I can fulfil my human potential, make conscious the unconscious and live a more present & self- directed life.

Ultimately, my Tantric & Shamanic Path is about awakening to Truth.

The universe is made from energy & consciousness, known in Hinduism as Shakti & Shiva, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Tantra seeks to unify these two forces between man and woman and within ourselves, while enjoying the dance of polarity. Tantra is the path of relationship and recognises there is not only one truth, but many. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Tantra wants you to empower yourself, through developing greater awareness of what is holding you back in life and invites you to be guided by your own inner compass, your heart.

What is De-armouring?

In life, we will all go through situations where we do not feel safe or it’s not possible to express ourselves. As children, when we are punished for showing emotion or we give up (because we are ignored), this emotion gets suppressed in the body and bound as tension. If this bound, suppressed energy is not released, it can manifest itself as disease and illness. This happens in any traumatic or perceived traumatic event, where the shock is not processed, the energy gets stuck in our nervous system.

Wilhelm Reich was a psychoanalyst and taught character analysis & held energy as repressed emotion in the body. Later, Alexander Lowen went on to create Bioenergetics based on his teachings. This theory discusses the five character structures, which are formed during childhood and affect our adult lives, based on our trauma.

Our lower chakras hold the densest, stuck energy. In Tantric Bodywork, I work with the receiver to explore held tension, numbness, pain and pleasure in the central channel; genitals, pelvic floor, stomach, energetic heart, back & throat. I use a soft touch approach and curiosity, led by the receiver’s feedback and pace. I give space and the invitation for the emotion or memory we touch, to be expressed with consciousness & presence. Therefore the process of De-armouring is to release the armour, that is held in the contraction of the body.

Once, the stuck energy has surfaced and been released, the receiver feels lighter, energised & less in pain. We don’t always need to access the story behind this blocked energy, but letting it out will create more space for the new to enter and for energy to flow freely again within us. And what we keep unconsciously repressing, gets pushed into the shadows as rejected parts of ourselves and ultimately pops up somewhere else in another form of energy. We can understand our dis-owned parts more clearly through “shadow work”, which is inspired by Jung’s work.

In Tantra & Shamanism, we are creating a new reality. Responding in a different way than from the past. Our old reality is imprinted on the nervous system. Our new reality is consciously created. Change your state, change your story, change the way you relate to life.

The Chakras & Bodywork

I specifically work with Rosetta (anal) massage to release stuck energy here. When it’s tense, there is holding of fear, guilt & shame. The perineum is the place of the root chakra. Pelvic de-armouring is about bringing awareness to issues stored in the body around the second chakra, such as self esteem and our emotional connection to life. Yoni & Lingham massage accesses both chakras and even pain from non- sexual experiences. Our third chakra (Solar Plexus) is our relationship to the other, ego & will power. Grief sits on our heart chakra and by opening the heart we can allow love in. The pain from not being able to speak our truth or express ourselves freely affects our throat chakra. By working with tension held in the back and front of the body, we can touch upon these themes by bringing consciousness to what we are disconnected from within ourselves.

The Importance of Pleasure

Tantra wants you to expand beyond your physical boundaries & surrender to your own life force, instead of trying to control it. In a Tantra massage or after a de- armouring, you may be more open to receiving pleasure. I work with the receiver to be present to their sensations, dropping goals around orgasm and relaxing into their arousal, as opposed to tensing & discharging the energy. Moving away from a fear response of contraction to expansion. Tantra is the path of sensitivity, not the path of sensation, stimulation or intensity. Enjoy your bodily pleasure, while here on earth. This can be quite a de-conditioning for many, who have had a religious upbringing, have been sexually shamed/ traumatised by others or have been mainly educated by porn. In what ways do we avoid or not allow ourselves to receive pleasure? Tantric pleasure can allow us to experience a new side of ourselves, a vibrant side where we can feel bliss and the connection between our sexual & spiritual selves. Through my bodywork, I help you feel pleasure in a more embodied way, rather than as an escape mechanism.