women's tantra massage yoni healing pleasure relaxation release sacred touch

Sessions for Women

Sessions can vary in length & are priced at 100 euros per hour.


Discount for 3 Sessions


Over a course of 3 sessions (3 hours each)-

The First Session will have the Intention of Building trust, Connection & a Sense of Safety in the Body (through exercises, energy work and touch).

The Intention for the Second Session will be Healing (Yoni de-armouring and energetic/ emotional release).

The Intention for the Third Session is Embodied Pleasure (increasing your capacity for tantric, energetic bliss).

Please note; as every woman is different, the order & pace of the sessions are subject to change.

Sessions offer a beautiful opportunity for women to be gently held & touched by a female practitioner. This can be very healing to receive.

You may choose to have several sessions over a period of time, moving slowly from energy work to yoni healing, to more embodied pleasure based bodywork. I am happy to go at your pace. Building a sense of safety & trust is important. However, You may feel ready for a full Tantra Massage straight away, as a first session. This is why we have a call & you fill out a questionnaire for me to establish what would suit you best.

There is a focus on creating awareness of sensation, letting go of holding tension in the body, reconnecting with yourself & feeling empowered in your feminine essence. Between Sessions, I may give you homework or coaching exercises, that will help support you on your journey.

Women may seek out a Tantra Massage Healing if they experience numbness or pain in their pelvis, during sex or masturbation. They may feel cut off from their sexual energy/ libido or lacking in feelings of aliveness and arousal. Strong emotions or limiting thoughts may get in the way of them experiencing pleasure. Tantric healing can help women feel more connected to their own body, desires, needs and therefore communicate this more clearly to a partner. Introducing Tantric energy sex & sexual healing into a relationship, may also be of interest to women exploring the world of Tantra.

A typical first session would start with a consultation about your expectations, needs, desires & boundaries. We may play some coaching games to ground these in the body as a felt sense. We may do some energy work for releasing what ever the stuck issue is. I will guide you through a meditation & introduce touch based exercises. Maybe I will introduce you to some cleansing/ energetic hygiene practices. We may even start with some non- intimate, dearmouring bodywork around the heart & pelvis.

The second session will have a focus on going deeper into the body & energy work, with the intention of meeting what ever arises. This usually looks like a somatic release in some way. You will receive a relaxing Tantra Massage & Yoni Healing/ Mapping, exploring points of pain and numbness, while celebrating the pleasure points.

A third session will be a Taoist Erotic Massage; to ignite your sexual fire and using breath, sound & movement; learning how to circulate energy around the body, resulting in more embodied, orgasmic pleasure. You will be fully receiving and in your feminine essence- all mental distractions gone and focusing on self- love & giving back to yourself, while surrendering to honouring touch.

Yoni De-armouring is a gentle, yet powerful touch to the genitals; releasing of past, painful memories and emotions may happen. We do this to create space in the body for more aliveness & pleasure to be felt.

Everyone is welcome regardless of gender, age, race, sexual orientation & relationship status.